• Welcome to St. Peter PArish
  • Inside of Church
  • Relics
  • St. Peter



St. Peter Catholic Church, rich in beauty and tradition, is located in the historic downtown district of St. Charles, Missouri.  St. Peter Church is a short walking distance from Missouri's First Capitol and across the street from St. Joseph Health Center.  Since 1850, generations of Catholics have come to know Jesus Christ and his Church through its ongoing worship and service.

We welcome all visitors that come during the many religious and civic festivals.  We hope that these web pages will aid you in getting to know our parish and all it has to offer.

We look forward to seeing you at St. Peter.

Fr. James Theby - Pastor                                                                                            


Our Parish Mission Statement:  "As the Father has sent me, so I send you."  John 20:21   Saint Peter parish is a people united in faith and sharing in the life of Christ.  Influenced by our Catholic heritage, empowered by the liturgy, and growing in the spirit of God, we are to be ministers of the word of Christ and His work of salvation.  We are to be signs of the Lord's love, peace, justice and mercy to one another and to the community in which we live.   


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 Mass Times:

 Saturday   5:00 pm   St. Peter

 Sunday     7:00 am    St. Peter

                                       8:00 am    St. Charles Borromeo

                                   9:00 am     St. Francis of Assisi

                10:00 am    St. Peter

                                    11:00 am    St. Charles Borromeo

                                      12:30 pm    St. Charles Borromeo (Spanish)

                                     8:00 pm    Lindenwood University

 Monday - Friday  6:30 am   St. Peter

                                               8:00 am St. Charles Borromeo


Tuesday         6 - 7 pm  St. Peter

             Wednesday  5 - 6 pm  St. Charles Borromeo

                       Saturday        8:30 am til finished  St. Charles Borromeo

                  3:30 - 5:00 pm  St. Peter






"As the Father has sent me, so I send you."

Saint Peter parish is a people united in faith and sharing in the life of Christ. Influenced by our Catholic heritage,
empowered by the liturgy, and growing in the spirit of God, we are to be ministers of the word of Christ and His work of salvation.
We are to be signs of the Lord’s love, peace, justice, and mercy to one another and to the community in which we live.



There will be additional Confession Times for Advent on the following dates Saturday December 21st        8:30-12pm        SCB                                     &...

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175th Anniversary Polos
Don't worry if you missed ordering a 175th Anniversary Polos.  We will be placing another order or two in 2025 (dates to be determined).  We will once again be in the chapel displaying them after Masses before these orders.  Keep an eye out in the bulletin for dates in 2025. ...

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