We will gather as a parish community at one Mass on
Thanksgiving Day at 9:00 AM
Again this year as in years past we will have our annual Thanksgiving Day Fund and Food Collection for the benefit of our St. Vincent De Paul Conference. There are bags at the entrances to the church for your convenience with a list attached as to the foods requested. An envelope for the Thanksgiving Day collection will be mailed to your home. The funds go to our Saint Vincent de Paul Conference treasury where it is applied to help the needy in our area. We ask that you bring your money and/or food donations to Mass that day. We also ask that you keep the food donation with you until after the Offertory collection when all will be invited to bring the food donations forward. SVDP members will receive your donation at the foot of the altar.
(NOTE: If you can not attend the Thanksgiving Day Mass but wish to donate food, containers will be located in the meeting space in front of the chapel, in the main foyer at the front center church door, and at both doors near the altar where you can place your donation! Money donations can be mailed or dropped off at the Parish Office.)