Fourth Sunday of Lent
ALL THINGS NEW: A Renewed Church / A Renewed Mission / A Vibrant Future
Oh…you know the line: "It ain't over till the fat lady sings."
The “it” is All Things New; and, there is a lot that goes into “it”: Parishes / Elementary Schools / High Schools / Agencies / Ministries / Offices of the Curia / Staffing of parishes / Assignments of Deacons and Priests / along with support services necessary for facilities management, finances, human resources, technology (phone/internet/security), etc.
We will hear about Pastorates and Parishes on Pentecost Sunday. There will be more to “sing about” as we move into succeeding phases for the implementation of All Things New.
At the end of last week, I received an email that I am pleased to share with you here.
Friday, March 10, 2023
Reverend Fathers,
This past week the planning committee for All Things New gathered and, after having reviewed the survey feedback from the second draft models, have created a proposal for each planning area that will be presented to the Archbishop and the Presbyteral Council for the final period of required canonical consultation and discernment. Having conducted that required consultation, the canonical status for each parish will as the Law directs, ultimately be determined by the Archbishop. Next week, each canonical pastor, except those whose parishes are proposed to remain unaffected by not being grouped, merger, or suppresses, will be contacted by the tribunal with instructions on how to provide a brief votum (written opinion) on the proposal for his parish that will be included in the parish dossier.
If you are included on this email, it means that the circumstances of your parish HAVE BEEN ALTERED since the second draft models were created.
The second draft proposals for pastorates effecting your parish showed the following:
Pastorate 1 Pastorate 2
St. Francis of Assisi St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. Charles Borromeo St. Robert Bellarmine
St. Peter
The revised proposal shows:
Pastorate 1 Pastorate 2
St. Francis of Assisi St. Elizabeth Ann Seton
St. Charles Borromeo St. Robert Bellarmine
St. Peter
3,197 Households 2,425 Households
1,761 Mass Attendance 1,562 Mass Attendance
Rationale for moving St. Peter:
• The close proximity of St. Charles Borromeo (many people living in the boundaries already worship between the two locations),
• The shared hospital ministry between the parishes, and
• The two campuses can accommodate the office and rectory of both communities.
We are not publishing new drafts of the planning area maps as the time for receiving public feedback from across the Archdiocese has concluded. The canonical consultation that now must commence on the part of the Archbishop with the Presbyteral Council may also result in adjustments to what is proposed. As mentioned, the votum of the Pastor will be included in the parish dossier used for that consultation process.
On Monday, March 13, I was “contacted by the tribunal with instructions on how to provide a brief votum (written opinion) on the proposal…that will be included in the parish dossier,” due by March 21. I will be working on that response, in hope that when the fat lady sings about St. Peter Parish, all will be to the honor, glory and praise of God!
Sincerely yours in Jesus,
Fr. John Seper