Dear Parishioners,
Happy New Year! Or more correctly this weekend I should say Happy New Year’s Eve. Either way it is a blessing for us to remember the year past and look forward to the year to come.
Remembering is so important for us as God’s people, especially at this time of year when we remember all the events surrounding the Incarnation of the Lord. A prayerful remembrance of how Jesus first came among us teaches us to recognize His coming into our lives in the future.
As we begin the New Year of 2024 we are called to prayerfully look back upon 2023. Where was God with us this past year? Where were we with Him? Where did we forget His Presence this past year and go astray? Prayerful consideration of where God was in our lives, how He worked in our lives in the past year will help us follow Him more closely in the coming year. Remember, so we can look forward to a blessed New Year.
Speaking of New Year’s Day, I should mention that January 1st is the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God. There is a beautiful history and meaning to this feast but suffice it to say that it is, generally speaking, a holy day of obligation. However, this year, since the feast falls on a Monday, it is not a day of obligation. Therefore, we will be celebrating the feast day with masses at 9:00 am at both St. Charles Borromeo and St. Peter.
Even though there is no obligation attached to January 1st this year, it is a great way to start off the New Year with the Lord, so join us in celebrating the motherhood of Mary.
Happy New Year!
Fr. Jim Theby