Seton Regional Parish School of Religion
Seton Regional Parish School of Religion is now in session! Classes are held from 6:00 to 7:15 pm on Wednesdays. (The complete calendar can be found on the enrollment website.) Registration is conducted online at Children of registered parishioners from St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Peter, and St. Robert Bellarmine parishes are eligible to enroll. 8th graders in private schools wishing to be confirmed should also register at this website. Sacramental programs, First Communion and Confirmation, require a minimum of 2 years preparation in either Full-time Catholic School or the Parish School of Religion Program. A copy of each child’s baptismal certificate is required. If you need assistance or would like to volunteer in a classroom, please contact the Coordinator of Religious Education, Mrs. Linda Rathz, at 636.669.6706.