Ministry Schedules

The parish of Saint Peter is empowered by the liturgy and growing in the spirit of God, we are to be ministers of the Word of Christ and His work of salvation. We are to be signs of the Lord's Love, Peace, Justice and Mercy to one another and to the community in which we live.


Extra-ordinary Ministers assist in the distribution of Holy Communion during the celebration of Mass. Some Eucharistic Ministers help by bringing Communion to those who are homebound.

At the Offertory during Mass, the Gift Bearers, representing the congregation, present the bread, wine and water to the Celebrant for consecration.

Lectors are men and women who serve our Church as readers, proclaiming the Word of God at Sunday Mass.

Servers give praise and worship to the Lord at Mass and assist the Priest and Deacons at Mass and other liturgical functions

Ushers help great and seat worshippers, take up the offertory collection and distribute the Sunday bulletin.  Click here to see the usher schedule.

Click here to see current Ministry Schedule.

Ministry Scheduler Pro - Click to access your schedule online