Directory of Ministries and Organizations

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is a program for those who are considering becoming Catholic.  The inquiry discussion series are held on Sundays form 10:15 am until 11:30 am.  Catholics who are looking to expand their kno...

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Adult Faith Formation is  for adults and young adults who would like to know more about the Catholic faith.  Usually this is a six-week session coinciding with the liturgical year. Come join us to journey together and deepen your ...

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We are group that works on a rotating schedule.  Duties include dusting, straightening and other light cleaning in the church. We clean and fill holy water fonts and always work in teams.  Men and women are welcome.

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Assist the priest and deacon in celebrating the Mass on weekends, Holy Days, weddings and funerals.  Adults and youths who have completed the 4th grade and older who are practicing their faith are eligible to serve.  Training provided.

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The ACA is the major fundraiser for all of the charities of our Archdiocese.  This committee organizes the ACA within our parish.
Saint Peter church owns and operates a parish cemetery.  This board advises the pastor in the operation, maintenance, and financing of the cemetery.

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Help plan and decorate the worship space for each liturgical season. Maintain plants in church, chapel, and gathering space. More volunteers welcome.

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"God, in order to be able to speak to the soul and fill it with the knowledge of HIs love, leads it to the solitude, detaching it from preoccupations of earthly things.  He speaks to the ears of those who are silent and makes them hear His ...

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Assist in distributing the Eucharist at Masses.  Must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation and actively practicing their faith.  Trainging is provided.

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Assist the Pastor in matters pertaining to parish finances and properties.  They also prepare and monitor an annual budget.  In addition, we periodically inform parishioners of the financial status of the parish.

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This committee is responsible for the gardening around the parish grounds. This includes the care and maintenance of our shrubs, plants and other greenery.

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Welcome visitors and parishioners before all Masses.  Ideal for families.
The Quilters meet each Monday in the Early Learning Center lower level from 8:00 A.M. until 12:00 Noon. Completed quilts are raffled at the annual Card Party, Sausage Dinner, and at Lenten Fish Fries for the benefit of our parish. The quilters are al...

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A  group of Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who provide the Eucharist to members of our parish who are homebound or living in a nursing home. Ministers are scheduled on an as-needed basis. Requests for visits can be made by calling th...

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Knights of Columbus live by four core principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. To be a member you must be at least 18 years old and a practicing Catholic. That means someone who accepts the teaching authority of the Catholic Church on m...

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Proclaim the Word of God at Mass and special celebrations.  Must be actively practicing their faith. Adults and young teens are eligible.  Training and Commissioning provided.  

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Part of Saint Anne Sodality. We launder and press linen used during each Mass. This small group volunteers on a rotating schedule.  If you like to iron, this is for you!

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Plan and implement ways to make our liturgical celebrations more meaningful and prayerful for our congregation.  Parishioners who are interested in helping with liturgical planning, music, environment, and prayer services are welcome to join thi...

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A parish organization dealing with Catholic men’s issues, including being a good husband, father, and Christian witness. Through prayer, study, and discussion of Scripture and the Catechism, we grow in our faith. We welcome you to join us in ou...

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A Retreat for the men of our parish is held each year in August at the White House ~ Jesuit Retreat Center in South Saint Louis County. All men 18 years of age or older are invited. Other retreats are available throughout the year at White House and ...

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Plans and organizing fund-raising events and trips to support our sister parish in San Marcos, Nicaragua.
The Choir at St. Peter leads congregational singing at the 10:00 am Mass on Sundays from Labor Day weekend through Pentecost, as well as during other primary liturgies, (e.g. Christmas Eve, Holy Week) throughout the year.  In addition, smaller v...

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Members of the Paris Council serve as a consultative body.  Their role is to advise and assist the pastor in the pastoral care of the parish.  

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This group takes care of some construction and maintenance needs for our Parish buildings and grounds.
Coordinate parish Pro Life activities with those of the Archdiocese through prayer, education, and peaceful activism. We meet monthly to discuss these activities after the Saturday 8:00 A.M. Respect Life Mass. We are always seeking new members to hel...

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All ladies of the parish are encouraged to become members of the Sodality and put Christian values into practice in their daily lives. Members take care of altar linens, clean church, quilt quilts, pray for the sick, serve  funeral luncheons, an...

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The ELC provides year-round care and preschool education for children ages 6 weeks to 5 years of age.  Our active and fun summer camp is available for children ages 6 to 12 years old during the summer months.  The center is open Monday thru...

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Saint Vincent dePaul Society provides financial assistance to people living within our parish boundary who need our help with food, rent, or utilities.  Our work is supported by the generosity of our fellow parishioners of Saint Peter church.&nb...

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The regional school is dedicated to offering a quality education in a Catholic atmosphere for children in grades K thru 8.  The school is located at #1 Seton Court.  The Christian community of St. Peter, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. Robe...

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Seton Regional Parish School of Religion (PSR) provides religious education and faith formation to children of registered parishioners at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. Peter, and St. Robert Bellarmine Parishes in grades K thru 8 who att...

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The five members of the Setion Regional School Baord advise and assist the Pastors in the establishment of policies, plans and programs for the school.  Members serve on the Board from each parish.  The Board works with the school administr...

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Provides fellowship for parishioners and guests while enjoying coffee and donuts in the cafe after Sunday morning Masses.
Assist in various duties before, during and after Mass. Men and women welcome … ideal for families with children in Grades 7 or above.
For Catholics to be validly married, the Marriage must take place in a Catholic Church in the presence of a Priest or Deacon.  Couples should contact Deacon Larry as soon as they are engaged to schedule thier wedding date and discuss the prepara...

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Facilitates the planning an dorganization of rehearsals and weddings.
New parishioners receive welcome phone calls and are formally welcomed into the parish.


"As the Father has sent me, so I send you."

Saint Peter parish is a people united
in Faith and sharing in the life of Christ.

Influenced by our Catholic heritage,
Empowered by the liturgy,
and growing in the Spirit of God,
we are ministers of the word of Christ and His work of salvation.

We are to be signs of the Lord's love, peace,
justice, and mercy to one another and
to the community in which we live.