Interested in Joining a Catholic Book Club?
Hello Everyone!
We're starting a 4-week BOOK CLUB beginning January 8th and we'd love to know if you would be interested in joining.
We will be reading Brandon Vogt’s book Return—How To Draw Your Child Back to the Church, that is focused on practical ways to bring our family members and friends back to the church.
Each week we will read about 50 pages followed by a gathering to discuss what we learned and to answer questions.
Like most books that address this topic, it covers prayer, fasting and sacrificing. Yet, Brandon Vogt goes one step further in that he provides practical tips on how to encounter and engage in conversations with those who have left the Church. Additionally, he recommends other resources that support this process.
The other thing I like about the book is that it doesn’t use a “one process fits all” approach. Instead, it looks at six main types of fallen away Catholics and how best to encounter them and engage is conversation with them.
I am looking to offer both an evening and afternoon discussion session each week. Currently I am considering doing both sessions on the same day. Right now, I am looking for us to meet on Mondays.
The book club will complement our newest ministry the Society of Found Sheep that meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month to pray the chaplet of Our Lady of Sorrows for the intention of praying people to return to the Church.
Later this month there will be a survey available for you to register for the class and order the book. If you would like to receive the survey, please send me your email and phone number. If you do not have a cell phone or email address, you can contact the parish office and they will register you.
Christ’s Peace be with you.
Deacon Larry: