Men's White House Retreat – AUGUST 19 - 22, 2021
Once created, life never ends. We all know that our human trail is short, and our eternal life lasts forever. We plan our savings to cover vacation and retirement, etc. Should we plan savings of His gift of faith and love for our eternal life? Join Thom Huellinghorst along with the group of men from Saint Charles for “RETREAT” at White House. The Lord would like to expand your knowledge of His gift of faith and love for you! He is also very interested in hearing of your cares and concerns, especially as they focus on being open to His love. Be sure to bring them along! He waits for our response in thanksgiving for each gift of breath day in and day out! Keep in mind He is just “one last breath away”!
For Information:
Please call Blaise Felder @ 636 946-5850, Thom Huellinghorst @ 314 413-3411, or Francis Saale @ 636 925-2261.